"rear wing root fairings" Like Chris I think this is interesting. Can
you expand upon this?
I am always interested in free speed.
William Daniell
+1 786 878 0246
On Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 11:15 PM Area-51 <goldsteinindustrial@gmail.com>
> goldsteinindustrial@gmail.com>
> Initial tests using the digital wind tunnel show marginal streamline
> improvement with a maingear wheel fairing installed; same with the speed
> kit. the factory standard lower engine cowl on the classic generates
> around 25kg of lift from the exit chute, i haven't run tests on the xs cowl
> to compare but it would be around the same... the maingear when retracted
> sits within fairly still swirling air when retracted and so affects drag
> very little. From experience i would say the maingear cowl would reduce
> turbulence dB noise more than anything. Deleting the lower engine cowl
> chute improves forward performance with the loss of that 25kg lift and exit
> suction for engine cooling; maingear fairing works well in this scenario
> however the current shape is not optimum... Rear wing root fairings offer
> the best performance increase but only within a small AoA band with the
> flaps retracted. I have been toying with a STOL wing design which is
> proving very affective far.
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=507363#507363