=EF=BBHi Rowland,
I have the door knob on the inside face. The safety guard is designed to cov
er the knob in case of inadvertent opening. Made from composite. Some builde
rs I have seen don=99t have a door knob at all. Their safety guard is a
simple aluminium plate fixed to the window frame covering the handle when d
oor is closed. I have had no problems with my design and a knob is helpful f
or opening the door and holding on to it in windy conditions.
Cheers, Tim
Sent from my iPad
Tim Ward
12 Waiwetu Street,
Christchurch, 8052
New Zealand.
021 0640221
> On 22/01/2023, at 8:49 AM, Rowland_Carson <rowlandcarson@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried to post this by e-mail but it didn't show up, so am trying again b
y the website. Have had some feedback via a posting on the Club WhatsApp gro
up but would welcome any other opinions.
> I=99ve reached the stage of making knobs for the inner door handles a
nd am puzzled about the advice in the manual. It calls for the inside handle
to be cranked inwards so that a knob can be fitted on the outboard face. Th
at seem to be an invitation for scratches on the Perspex from fingernails, r
ings, watches etc.
> Is there any reason the knob cannot be fitted on the inner face of the han
dle, thus keeping the operating hand and its jewellery further from the deli
cate Perspex? I can see that before the advent of the safety guard, having a
knob on the inner face that could be accidentally caught by a sleeve etc is
a BAD THING; but the safety guard pretty much eliminates that possibility.
> Now that I=99ve fitted the Perspex in the doors, I can see how much c
learance there is between the handle and the glazing. As it=99s alread
y quite close to the Perspex, I=99d be happy to leave the handle strai
ght and fit a small knob on the inner face.
> Any comments?
> in friendship
> Rowland
> kit 435, G-RODO
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forums.matronics.com/viewtopic.php?p=509997#509997