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Europa-List: Re: Bing 64 Choke Cable Terminal/bolt

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Bing 64 Choke Cable Terminal/bolt
From: rparigoris <>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 12:27:49

Hi Phil I have a 914 with type 64 carbs. The choke arm has a slot in one of the
sides. The unit I have is meant for a cable with a swedged end barrel. I tried
using the barrels that came with my FWF kit with no joy. For starters the OD
of the barrel was too small, but that wasn't the entire story. Because using
a barrel where you use a fastener to hold the cable in place has the end of the
cable sticking out of one side where if you had a swedged end there would be
no tail. No matter what I tried when using a  barrel, 1 out of a dozen 
the tail would get caught in the slot and not allow the choke to fully close.
This is not a good thing because if choke is opened just a little at higher
power settings it will make the mixture lean.
I ended up making a Brass barrel out of a Hex where it in fact it now has a 
This holds thinks nicely captured where the tail can't get caught in the slot.
Another builder installed a McFarland throttle cable and I think it does a
similar thing (not positive) to hold the barrel inboard to keep the tail from
getting hung up in the slot.
Here's a link to my Type 64 install:!Ah1S270Nwg9VgeE0IvqA5O_QBKWt3g?e=aRlmfJ
You probably have to copy and paste URL because for whatever reason Matronics 
it up.
Using Purple Loctite on the setscrew.
Note the throttle stops on the throttle housing mounting screws. It allows 
idle from the cockpit. I wasn't sure how much cam action I might need so
I made 2 with different offsets. 
Ron P.

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