Hello Ron,
Impressive setup both on the cable barrel and the in cockpit idle adjustment.
have to see if the idle adjustment can be fitted to what I have already
Also for links or images in Matronics use the following to help with posting:
Surround your image link with the bracket and img and escape with the same
but prefix with /, no quotes. [img]"link to image"[/img]
Same for links/url use [url="link of interest"]My Page[/url]
My Page with whatever you want. eg:
One Drive Page.[/url]
Ron's One Drive Page.
However, your link and has an ! in it which this site's bbcode as a limitation
with. You have to convert punctuation to code. ! = %21 in URL formatting.
Good BBCode guide here. (https://www.phpbb.com/community/help/bbcode)
Europa Tri-gear (under construction)
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