Hi Pete,
Sorry for late reply.
I have the SkyBeacon (aka the wingtip one). That one doesn't have built-in
so you need to have one in the airplane, in my case the GTX-327. The nice
thing is that there is no physical connection between the two. I think it
just uses noise induced by the transponder in the power line. I do have the
so it would be easy to have the tailbeaconX but I got the GTX and SkyBeacon
for a good price.
You may be thinking about the TailBeaconX.
I do have MP gage. Can't recall the exact MP I cruise at but it is what
to around 70% to 75% power. Now with slightly lower pitch it will be a hair
less. I will look at it if I fly tomorrow. I normally fly between 3000 to 5500
feet. Sometimes 6500 but not often.
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