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Europa-List: Re: Hi and ADSB-Out in my Europa

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Hi and ADSB-Out in my Europa
From: n7188u <>
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 11:28:21

Hi Pete,

This morning I went flying. Only climbed to 3000 and at that altitude and 5100
the MP was around 23.5. Per my power table that is about 70% or a bit more but
no more than 75%. My table is kind of crude (why cant Rotax make a detailed 
chart like Lycoming?) but should be somewhat close.

At 1000 it was about 24.5ish and I would expect that at my usual 4500-5500 
it would be even less than at 3000. 

I hope this helps.


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