it must be very bad if you are not able to sent even 20 to Matt...just
drink few beers less.
allekirjoitus2 Cheers, Raimo Toivio
"Perfection has been achieved not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away"
- Antoine de Saint-Exupry
Europa XS Monowheel OH-XRT #417 2007
Antonov AN-2 TDSRM AirCamper HA-MDO 1987
Arola Manor
37800 Akaa
tel +358 3 3753 777
mob +358 40 590 1450 <>
. kirjoitti 11.11.2024 klo 21.55:
> Hello Matt,
> We normally contribute but as our revenue was decimated by lockdowns and
> created
debt we did not have, the interest rate has doubled and bookings have
significantly, we are looking to borrow money for cashflow. We will be
unable to contribute anything this year - apologies. Let's hope as the economy
gets better, we can also do better next year.
> Regards
> Trevor
> On 12/11/24, 8:50 AM, "Matt Dralle"< on
behalf of> wrote:
> Dear Listers,
> You might have wondered at some point, "What's my Contribution used for?"
Here are just a few examples of what your direct List support enables... It
provides for the expensive, commercial-grade Internet connection used on the
List. It pays for the regular system hardware and software upgrades enabling
the highest performance possible for List services such as the Archive Search
Engine, List Browser, and the Web Forums. It pays for the over 27 years of
archive data always available for instant search and access. And, it offsets
the many hours spent writing, developing, and maintaining the custom
that power these List Service such as the List Browse, Search Engine,
Forums, and Wiki.
> But most importantly, your List Contribution enables a forum where you
> and
your peers can communicate freely in an environment that is free from
censorship, advertising, commercialism, SPAM, and computer viruses.
> It is YOUR CONTRIBUTION that directly enables all these aspects of
> Matronics
List services. Please support it today with your List Contribution. Its
one of the best investments you can make in your Sport!
> List Contribution Web Site:
> or, you can send a personal check to the following address:
> Matronics / Matt Dralle
> 581 Jeannie Way
> Livermore, CA 94550
> Thank you for your support!
> Matt Dralle
> Email List Administrator
> RV-4/RV-6/RV-8 Builder/Rebuilder/Pilot