Oops. Just went to your website as I should have done earlier! Made a
contribution. Will I now receive emails from the Zenith 701 list?
On Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 8:46=AFAM Matt Dralle <dralle@matronics.com>
> Dear Listers,
> You might have wondered at some point, "What's my Contribution used for?"
> Here are just a few examples of what your direct List support enables...
> It provides for the expensive, commercial-grade Internet connection used
> the List. It pays for the regular system hardware and software upgrades
> enabling the highest performance possible for List services such as the
> Archive Search Engine, List Browser, and the Web Forums. It pays for the
> over 27 years of on-line archive data always available for instant search
> and access. And, it offsets the many hours spent writing, developing, an
> maintaining the custom applications that power these List Service such as
> the List Browse, Search Engine, Forums, and Wiki.
> But most importantly, your List Contribution enables a forum where you an
> your peers can communicate freely in an environment that is free from
> moderation, censorship, advertising, commercialism, SPAM, and computer
> viruses.
> It is YOUR CONTRIBUTION that directly enables all these aspects of
> Matronics List services. Please support it today with your List
> Contribution. Its one of the best investments you can make in your Sport
> List Contribution Web Site:
> https://matronics.com/contribution
> or, you can send a personal check to the following address:
> Matronics / Matt Dralle
> 581 Jeannie Way
> Livermore, CA 94550
> Thank you for your support!
> Matt Dralle
> Email List Administrator
> RV-4/RV-6/RV-8 Builder/Rebuilder/Pilot