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Re: Door latch push rods

Subject: Re: Door latch push rods
From: Gavin and Anne <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 22:00:23
Hi Paul....

Cut the rod at a convenient spot,  put in a plug of suitable length and
redux a snug fitting aluminium sleeve over the extension join,  could
put a pin through each end also if you were not happy with just redux
holding it together...

Gavin Lee.....#355 

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Door latch push rods

Have just spent hours cutting filing and drilling the door latch push
according to the instructions in my build manual. Now discover there are
amended dimensions, and my push rods are 4mm too short. Before either
fitting them or throwing them away to start again, any one done the same
what were the consequenses if any.


Paul Stewart  #432

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