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Re: Variable flaps (was OR5)

Subject: Re: Variable flaps (was OR5)
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 09:32:30
> I'm seriously interested in variable flaps, not so much for 
> landing as due to the fact that at an airfield elevation of 9100 ft. MSL 
> I'll need all the help I can get on takeoff, even with a 914 and magic 
> propeller (if I can ever afford either of those!).

Some field! Do you have the same regulation in the US as in NZ 
regarding oxygen masks? We have to wear them if we fly over 10,000 
feet which means that a circuit at that field would require a mask to 
be worn.

I imagine that even with the Europa's short field takeoff, a 914 and 
all the flap it has then a takeoff at 9100 feet on a hot day could be 
an interesting event.


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