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Re: Variable flaps (was OR5)

Subject: Re: Variable flaps (was OR5)
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 19:44:05
>>Q:        Why do you Brits drink your beer at room temperature?

A:        Because you have Lucas refrigerators...<<

Why do we also drink our red wine at room Temp and white wine chilled.
Answer,(incomplete) British (and Irish ) beer is as good as good red wine.

Walter Binder did something like you suggest. ( Electric O/R retraction) He must
have similar take off problems, his airplane is slightly overweight. Especially
if he has a glider on tow. I can't believe he'd tow a glass ship full of water,
but you never know. 

Walter speaks little Englisch, I believe, does anyone here know him?


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