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Re: Door Security

Subject: Re: Door Security
From: Europa Aviation Ltd <>
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 10:06:33
>I don't think that is a valid argument. The door warning is there to provide 
>confirmation that the door is closed. It has already been shown that an 
>experienced pilot can believe the door bolt to be home when it in fact isn't.

>An electronic indicator (as found on the majority of family cars these days!)

>is a simple and effective mechanism to ensure that the bolts are in fact in 

I think it's a very valid argument.  What does the lazy pilot who can't be 
bothered to check physically whether  the door is closed do when the 
electric alarm fails to work?   It must be added that when the rear shoot 
bolt is not engaged it is evident if you look at the base of the door only 
inches from the front.....if you look!

>When flying in another persons plain vanilla ( do they exist?) Europa it 
>would be very clear that the door warning doesn't exist. Besides, is it not 
>the pilots responsibility to ensure that he is familiar with the individual 
>aircraft's systems prior to operating the craft?

For "plain vanilla" read "without whistels and bells added".  You sum it up 
nicely.  One of the "systems" on the Europa is the door latch system.

Having said all this, our main aim is to make the Europa safe, and although 
it has been proved that the aircraft flies perfectly well after a door 
separation, we don't want it to happen again.

Rest assured, we are lookin at the door problem very seriously.

Address for Europa Aviation technical back-up

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