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New Tailwheel

Subject: New Tailwheel
From: David Watts <>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 1997 16:57:01
I have just got in from test flying the new tailwheel installation on 'XDY.
Everything went great.
I did the mod by leaving the old tailwheel spindle and rudder control system 
as was. I removed the fork mounting lugs and in its place bolted a flat 
plate (cut from the new plate supplied for the rudder horn) with tailwheel 
cable mounting holes spaced 102mm apart. This gives me a wheel movement of 
33 degrees each way, which I worked out should be the same as if I had 
followed the factory system. (I know the stops are at 60 degrees each way).
With Peter Kember at the controls as soon as we started moving he said it 
felt great. The pedal feel was nice a light even with a side wind, and in a 
very short time he declared that it felt similar to his old setup as far as 
radius of turn was concerned. However, if the rpm was raised to 2500-2800 he 
found that he could virtually turn the plane in its own length. The whole 
taxiing experience was much easier.
Next on to a take-off where we had a 10 knot cross win component from the 
port (worst case). He felt that the steering was now very precise with no 
transition at the tail up point, with a similar condition on landing as the 
tail touched down. It was really straightforward keeping the aircraft 
straight down the runway at al times.
Overall he was so impressed that he has already decided to fit his new 
tailwheel next week.
Dave Watts 229
Off to Martin Stoner next week so Sarah and me can learn to fly it.

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