I followed Alan Burrill's suggestion and would recommend it.
A word of warning for anyone who has yet to do this.
The manual on page 7 -11 has a "helpful diagram" which
suggests that the hole is bored 20cm forward of the spar face
and parallel to it, which is misleading. The dimension
depends on which wing you are working on. I found that 16 cm
worked for the Port wing and 17.5 for stbd.
Paul Atkinson
-------- Original Message --------
Alan Burrill wrote:
> Page 7-11 of constructors manual details cutting a 13mm
hole through the
> leading edge root core for the Pitot tube.
> As this involves cutting through the rib flange laid up on
the core, is
> it not easier to cut this hole before attaching the cores
to the spar?
> --
> Alan Burrill