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Re: Torque Tube Mod?

Subject: Re: Torque Tube Mod?
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 12:52:29
> << News of mods should come from the factory first  >>

OK, what say we make it a policy on the group that the first person to 
mention a mod also details the mod so that those who haven't opened their 
mail yet or didn't just happen to phone the factory in the past few days gets 
the full story. 

On the basis that this is a global information group that disemminates 
information far far faster than the postal service there will never be a 
situation when you can guarantee that everyone will hear news of the mod from 
the factory first.

The alternative of course is to have a policy that no _ever_ mentions mods 
just in case somebody hasn't yet received their information from the 
factory!! ;-)

Talking of receiving things - has anyone received their replacement filler 
hose that was mentioned in the factory newsletter many months ago???


Tony Krzyzewski
Managing Director  Ph 64 9 520 4631
Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 520 3321
Auckland           New Zealand

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