I think Garry's got a point. It was only after reading Tony K's home page
that I found out about the problem with the position of the fuel tank. I
checked mine and guess what, mine is also installed marginally too high,
though I have been able to fix without removing and re-installing the tank.
When I spoke with Roger at the factory I asked him:
Q. How many others have had the same problem?
A. One - maybe two others.
So I made the point that when a problem comes to light, why can't all
builders be circularised about the problem?
It seems crazy that for want of 'no cost' on the internet, or 50/100 by
snail mail, we cannot be advised (monthly?) of potential builder problems
as they arise. When you read how much hassle Tony K went through to get
his tank out, to say nothing of the demoralising effect of same, then
multiply that by ten, or twenty, or who knows how many builders, and it
makes you wonder just why we can't be kept informed.
I was just on the point of installing my module into the fuselage, but
while talking with Roger about the tank problem I found out about the
imminent wing pin mod. The bad news is that (all?) wing pin bushes in the
fuselage modules are shortly going to have to be replaced by larger ones.
PFA approval is being sought at the moment, but it could be weeks before
approval is obtained and the parts manufactured and then shipped.
Lloyd Owens
> Re: Tri-Gear Nose Strut Recall
> Date: 24 June 1998 21:55
> > > It is further disappointing that I didn't find out about the recall
> any
> > notification from the factory. Perhaps it is different in the UK, but
> the
> > US there is no process or procedure to notify US builders of any
> There is but the problem is that the speed of the internet is
> and therefore is considerably faster than Europa can generate an official
> notice and post it via snailmail to the appropriate builders.
> Tony
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Tony Krzyzewski tonyk@kaon.co.nz
> Managing Director Ph 64 9 520 4631
> Kaon Technologies Fx 64 9 520 3321
> Auckland New Zealand
> Networkers visit www.kaon.co.nz
> Aviators visit www.kaon.co.nz/europa/
> and www.kaon.co.nz/saanz/
> ----------------------------------------------------