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Moving Rotax Water Pump Outlets

Subject: Moving Rotax Water Pump Outlets
From: Martin J.Tuck <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 20:09:21
Re: Moving Rotax Water Pump Outlets

I too tried a heat gun but got nowhere.

In the end I did use a butane flame on the joints, kept the flame moving
and all was well.

I'm using a 912 and an XS installation which utilizes the Rotax ring mount.
I puzzle as to why the Rotax Water Pump outlets are in line with the Rotax
designed mount struts but there you are!

There is only one position for the lower left outlet (looking forward) and
even then the rubber pipe ends up slightly oval in shape as it squeezes
past the mount.

(It looks as though the outlet could pivot all the way down and a longer
rubber pipe fitted but the angle of the outlet means that as you rotate it
it always points towards the mount strut!)

Be patient with the flame, the outlet does suddenly 'let go' and is very
easy to move after the bond has softened. No need to force it.

Fuselage still at the paint shop awaiting cooler temperatures (today's
ambient was 105 Deg F). Maybe Wednesday - supposed to get down to the mid


Martin Tuck
Wichita, Kansas

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