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Re: Oven Baking

Subject: Re: Oven Baking
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 23:43:55
Hi  Tony

I have to say my oven was a lot simpler than yours.   I simply made an
'oven' in my single garage (a.k.a. my production facility) out of 8' x 4' x
2" thick polystyrene sheets and taped the gaps throughout with a suitable
tape.   Wings, tailplanes, fin and rudder were all enclosed fairly tightly
but with good airflow routes throughout the oven.   I then made small holes
each end of the oven at ground floor level to allow domestic 3kW fan heaters
to blow into the oven.   Punched three equally-spaced thermometers through
the roof of the oven and switched on.   Kept a careful eye on the
temperature on the climb-up, barely daring to leave the room.   Had to vary
the heater power between day and night, but with choice of 1kW, 2kW and 3kW
on each heater this wasn't difficult.   Could also make slight adjustments
to the temperature by moving the heaters closer to, or further away from,
the entry holes.   From memory I found less than 1 degree variation between
the thermometers and had little or no difficulty in maintaing a stable
temperature for the duration of the bake.   Everything went just great and
all it cost me in total was 60 for the foam, tape, thermometers etc.   Had
no deformation whatsoever.   Re: your visit to England, I am located in
Over, Cambridgeshire (about 1 hours drive from the M1) and would be
delighted to see you if this isn't too far off your track.   I am just about
to put the module in the fuselage.

Regards Lloyd Owens
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: 01 September 1998 23:15
Subject: Oven Baking

>I am about to do my first bake session.
>We have the luxury of a lined glider trailer to use as a bake oven and I
>made a microprocessor unit to control the temperature with a ramp up and
>down. The Stamp based unit, which independantly controls two heaters with
>digital thermometer feedback, gradually raises the temperature over a three
>hour period, does the bake and then bring the temperature back down over a
>three hour period. If anyone wants the details of how to build one and the
>code then drop me an email.
>What are opinions on whether the flanges and trailing edges should be hard
>clamped? Rather than conjecture from those who have yet to bake has anyone
>baked without clamping the edges and lived to regret it?
>Tony Krzyzewski
>Managing Director  Ph 64 9 520 4631
>Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 520 3321
>Auckland           New Zealand
>Networkers visit
>Aviators visit
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: 01 September 1998 23:15
Subject: Oven Baking

>I am about to do my first bake session.
>We have the luxury of a lined glider trailer to use as a bake oven and I
>made a microprocessor unit to control the temperature with a ramp up and
>down. The Stamp based unit, which independantly controls two heaters with
>digital thermometer feedback, gradually raises the temperature over a three
>hour period, does the bake and then bring the temperature back down over a
>three hour period. If anyone wants the details of how to build one and the
>code then drop me an email.
>What are opinions on whether the flanges and trailing edges should be hard
>clamped? Rather than conjecture from those who have yet to bake has anyone
>baked without clamping the edges and lived to regret it?
>Tony Krzyzewski
>Managing Director  Ph 64 9 520 4631
>Kaon Technologies  Fx 64 9 520 3321
>Auckland           New Zealand
>Networkers visit
>Aviators visit

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