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RE: Corrosion Proofing

Subject: RE: Corrosion Proofing
From: Miles McCallum <>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 09:06:42
As it happens, exactly what I am up to currently: I'm trying to do all the
bits I can before getting back to the resin, glass, and grinder.

IMHO there is only one scheme:

1/      acid wash (I use aircraft coverings/Stits stuff) - otherwise the
next stage is unreliable -use a brush and scotchbrite pads to make sure
every bit is properly cleaned.

2/      Alodyne wash -a chemical surface conversion to aluminium oxide -much
like anodising, which does the same job, but costs more. available in clear
or brown/gold (easier to see if you have good coverage)

3/      Zinc chromate epoxy on all external bits, or those requiring to be

4/       spray can Zinc chromate for internal/ non bonded bits, and any
steel bits -easy to retouch.

5/      colour coats for anything you want to look pretty- pref 2 pack
polyurathane. epoxy goes dusty after a few years.

You can get away without zinc chromate on bonded bits, but resin on
untreated ali will always delaminate in time.

 Zinc chromate is carcinogenic, so use a good carbon filter mask at least.

all the best,


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