Welcome to the family, Steve. You already know what a great help this group is,
so no need to go over that.
Nice to see another monowheel builder. We are going the same route as you plan
to, less the glider wings. We're a few years away at our current pace and build
as the budget allows without mortgaging our souls. So far it's been an absolute
pleasure and it's a great kit. One day we'll actually fly in one! As
of yet, neither myself or my wife has flown in a Europa, try as we did last
to get up, but poor weather screwed everything up. For that matter, neither
of us has our pilots licenses yet! However, my first lesson was supposed
to have been last weekend, but again, weathered. Hopefully this Saturday will
be the day! Wisconsin weather...
The point of this? We were so impressed with the design, support, and
of the Europa after hearing Ivan Shaw talk about it at Oshkosh '98, that we
were sold on the spot, lock, stock and barrel. We knew that this was the plane
for us.
Welcome and enjoy!
Chris and Sue Beck
A159, West Bend, WI
ScramIt@aol.com wrote:
> Hi everyone, after a year and a half and monitoring this group and reading
> up. I ordered my kit. Mono wheel, 912S, regular wings, new style glider
> wings, speed kit, constant speed prop. It will be Sept. before I can get to
> FL to pick it up. I can't wait.
> Steve Dunsmuir #A217