>> but it is their problem. Not mine.
I am glad you guys are building Europas and not some other kits that I
have seen on the market otherwise you'd have shipped half of your
aircraft back by now.
---From the details that were in the latest Europa newsletter the fix to
the skins is trivial. The fix takes around two hours to do and looks
like it needs less skill than is used to tape up the ribs. Those of us
building Classics have had to do more than a few of these type of fixes
and this is all part of the development of experimental class aircraft.
Sure, this time one of Europa's contractors made a goof, but I certainly
don't think that it warrants sending an entire skin back to get it
I personally think that at this stage in the life of Europa Aircraft the
new owners of the company probably need all the support that we builders
can give them instead of pushing them to incur costs. Europa's success
is based on a partnership between we customers and the company. Sure,
they aren't perfect but no business is. I do know that they give the
best builder support and service I have seen and that in order to
continue to do so they need to have income. As a builder I have several
times worked around a problem rather than ask for a replacement at
Europa's cost because I see it as an investment in future support from
There are many instances of companies in the aviation industry going to
the wall as a direct result of owners making demands on the supplier
that the supplier simply can't meet. In each case the greatest loss
incurred was to those owners who made the demands in the first place as
they lost all of their support, parts and ongoing service.
I apologise in advance if this starts a minor mail storm but I felt I
needed to say this.
Regards to all.