I think Tony's remarks with regard to "technical responsibility"
is right on the mark. It is easy to be one who sits on the periphery and
imagines a load of fatcat lawyers with cigar ashes down the front of their
vests and clerks counting out tens and hundreds - but much more difficult to
see a clean operation by well-intentioned folk whose dilemmas day-to-day
cannot be imagined.
We must remember that PiCessBeeMoon aircraft disappeared because
litigation drove them to silence. It was THAT which gave rise to the
incredible strength and flexibility of homebuilts. Relying on laws and
lawyers to provide "logic" is like going 30kts past the Vne - it might work,
As Tony points out, many of us on Mark 1s have piddled away five
hours on a misconception - fix it, revise the text and move on. If a
reliable source tells one that it's two hours' work to refine a fault, then
let's shut up and Just Do It.
$0.02 & Happy landings