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Re: Gascolator

Subject: Re: Gascolator
From: Nigel Charles <>
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 09:43:20
Message text written by "Shaun Simpkins"
>One could put the fuel pump and gascolator on the forward starboard tunnel
wall in the wheel
well, but they would have to be quite high to clear the landing gear and
would get dirty quickly.
I haven't seen monowheel builders report that they've done this, and this
may be the reason.

I have put 2 gascolators in the tunnel behind the wheel (Europa Classic
with large tunnel). There is just enough space even with a mudguard fitted
to the wheel. Time will tell whether the mudguard will prevent dirt
building up inside the tunnel. I know Jim Naylor has had a mudguard fitted
for at least 2 years so he would be able to comment if he is reading this.

Nigel Charles

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