Michael Dawson wrote:
> Have we any avionics experts out there ? I have an intercom problem that
> nobody
seems to be able to solve. When receiving transmissions my intercom locks out
and I am unable to talk to my P2 - not a problem unless you operate in busy
airspace or from a large airport like I do. - the wiring has been checked and
it seems to be OK to manufactures spec also its not the side tones of the new
King radio as I can hear myself talk. It may be that the unit itself is faulty
but before I have the whole panel out again and send it for checking - anyone
with similar experience or ideas please. ?
> Michael Dawson. G-PEGY.
That sounds like an intentional feature, as the box has no way of
knowing whether any ATC transmission is for you. If you spoke to P2
at the same time as ATC, hearing sidetone, you could miss an ATC call
for you. Can P2 hear ATC too? If so, then, you're talking
simultaneously to P2 would be a problem anyway. IOW, design
philosophies here vary. As a pilot, I as pax prefer to hear ATC, and
can shut up when I hear a call for P1. Nonpilots may not want the
chatter, and won't shut up if they don't instantly react to the magic
callsign as we do. Then you gotta gently whack 'em? :-)
Fred F.