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Re: Intercom.

Subject: Re: Intercom.
From: Michael Dawson <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 18:18:48
Many thanks to those who offered advice on my intercom problem - Geoff hit
the nail on the head - I have a FC/403/MC so I need to cut the jumper lead -
pity the panel has to come out to do this.
Michael D - G-PEGY.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred Fillinger" <>
Subject: Re:  Intercom.

> Michael Dawson wrote:
> >
> > Have we any avionics experts out there ? I have an intercom problem that
nobody seems to be able to solve. When receiving transmissions my intercom
locks out and I am unable to talk to my P2 - not a problem unless you
operate in busy airspace or from a large airport like I do. - the wiring has
been checked and it seems to be OK to manufactures spec also its not the
side tones of the new King radio as I can hear myself talk. It may be that
the unit itself is faulty but before I have the whole panel out again and
send it for checking - anyone with similar experience or ideas please. ?
> > Michael Dawson. G-PEGY.
> That sounds like an intentional feature, as the box has no way of
> knowing whether any ATC transmission is for you.  If you spoke to P2
> at the same time as ATC, hearing sidetone, you could miss an ATC call
> for you.  Can P2 hear ATC too?  If so, then, you're talking
> simultaneously to P2 would be a problem anyway.  IOW, design
> philosophies here vary.  As a pilot, I as pax prefer to hear ATC, and
> can shut up when I hear a call for P1.  Nonpilots may not want the
> chatter, and won't shut up if they don't instantly react to the magic
> callsign as we do.  Then you gotta gently whack 'em?  :-)
> Best,
> Fred F.

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