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Re: 18 amps from a 914 !!!

Subject: Re: 18 amps from a 914 !!!
From: Rob Housman <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 15:26:09
OOPS, you are quite right.  The so called 20 amp alternator from B&C will
put out a max. of 12.0 amps at 5500 engine RPM and 8 amps at 5000 engine RPM
(and the 8 amp version puts out 6.8 and 5.5 amps respectively for those same
RPM) because the accessory drive runs at 0.54 times the engine RPM.  Time to
re-think the backup alternator - a small bump in the cowling is looking
better all the time.

Best regards,

Rob Housman
-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of
Subject: Re:  18 amps from a 914 !!!

Been down that road. Have the vacuum spline on my 912S, I'm just going to
cover it up. The 20 amp B&C only puts out about 6 to 8 amp because the
turns so slow. That's $650 for the alt. then you have to add a regulator
or so for 8 amps. I'm going with the Rotax alt. as the main and installed as
back up.


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