Well, I started the engine today after I received my airworthiness cert.
---From the FAA designee. It's been blessed so I moved it outside and
primed the oil system and after about 6 blades, I saw the blades blur as
the engine caught and began to run. Brought it up to 2000 rpm and the
oil pressure went to 72 psi. The engine ran a bit on the rough side but
I do not know how smooth it should run. The "S" is suppose to run a bit
on the rough side with the higher compression. After it warmed up a bit
I ran it up to 3000 rpm and it smoothed out a bit. The bad news is the
40A alternator was not putting out any power. I checked the field
voltage and it was "0" so the alternator wouldn't put out. I have to
find out why. The Rotax alternator was put on line and it ran fine.
Charging the battery for the 10 min or so I ran the engine. So guys, I
have to trouble shoot it to find out why. That will take a while as I
want to get it put back together, and begin taxi testing. Then first
flights and a few for me. I deserve that. When those things are taken
care of , I'll trouble shoot the "0" volts on the field.
The alternator is driven with a modified "S" Flex coupling from
companys such as the "Love Joy" company. The coupling is designed with a
rubber sleeve between both coupling halves. That rubber sleeve will
shear when to much torque is applied to it. Because of the nature of the
coupling, it also will dampen the torsional vibrations from the crank.
It looks fine not but has not had a load put to it. The complete
instillation that I designed weighs 9# complete.
Now to spoil all this, Whelen Co. is releasing soon a running
light system that uses LED's in place of the very old fashion filament
light (very expensive) and a POWER HOG. The new system is (I'm told by
rumor) to use only 2A instead of about 7A with the old style bulbs. That
5A savings will allow you to use the Rotax system and still have power to
run a Art. Horizon., DG, Turn Coordinator, radio, Transponder and leave
a bit to use for interior lights or a wig / wag landing / taxi light
system. It may make the need for extra alternator redundant.
So I leave you while I fix some small leaks this week and maybe I
be ready to taxi by next weekend. Flying is getting close but I'm not
going to rush. Cross the "T's" and dot the "I's. When its time, its
Jim Nelson