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Re: Subaru

Subject: Re: Subaru
From: Kevin Taylor <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 17:24:59

I have to say its all very new to me but from my very limited

I suspect the answer will be weight weight weight. (About 60lbs I am lead to
believe) but I don't know as no one has ever answered my question about the
weight of a 912S)The Subaru weight "wet with ignition, generator, oil
container, starter, prop speed reduction, but without radiator and water is
225LBS. It does have more of a traditional aero engine feel for those that
like to adjust mixture and carb heat. Although I am assured by the owner
that he has NEVER used carb heat. My mate with the same engine assures me
the same too, although I will find it difficult not to use it!

Also dare I say (as a Subaru owner to be next week), hope this isn't
contentious, but I believe there were a few problems initially with the
Subaru especially around the area of the reduction box I believe. In defence
this is the same for any new product isn't it?

I understand the distributor was good at correcting the situation quickly
and free of charge.

A friend of mine who has the Subaru was sent a gearbox and asked to replace
his due to a mod, this happened twice. He also got an oil leak and they
offered to fix it, he declined and said he wanted a new engine and they
honoured his request without question.

I believe the original distributor has gone and I'm not sure of the support
for the Subaru now, this is a question I need to find out more on.

I was also told the Subaru is well loved in the US and that C150s and many
other aircraft have them fitted over there.

As rotax brought out the 100 hp 912S then the Subaru then looked heavy and I
guess prospective buyers went for the rotax "brand" knowing it would be
consistent and reliable.

I have noticed you do need to be a little cautious in a sustained climb and
watch the temps. Although throttling back a few hundred rpm helped to keep
it under the required limits. I'm also told there is an increase in those
temps now by 20% but I need to check this.

If anyone can advise me of the support route for the engineer would be
graceful. My attitude is if I have problems and am not happy I will change
it for a rotax in the future if need be. (The purchase price allowed for



-----Original Message-----
Subject:  Subaru

Can I ask a question that I feel is going to generate a whole raft of
responses, being non technical, hopefully in words I can understand.

The question is this:-

What are the pros and cons re Rotax 912 vs. Subaru 100 hp.

My tin hat is firmly attached !.

Many thanks in anticipation.

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