On Tuesday, November 5, 2002, at 05:34 am, DJA727@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 11/4/2002 9:00:41 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> hagargs@earthlink.net writes:
>> I am going to mount my hand held GPS for use in the cockpit. It has
>> the
>> option for remotely mounting of the antenna. Upon perusal of the
>> Aircraft Spruce catalog it seems all the units they have are
>> multi-hundreds of dollars!!!. I want to put it in the ceiling between
>> the two doors. Does anyone have any experience with a home made or
>> non-aircraft remote antenna in this application. I was looking for a
>> sub-$100 unit for an antenna since the whole GPS is only $450.
>> SteveA143Mesa,
>> AZ --- Steve Hagar--- hagargs@earthlink.net
> I tested my Garmin 295 remote antenna that came with the GPS and put it
> under
> the fiberglass between the doors. It worked absolutely perfectly. I did
> in
> the pasta purchase a remote antenna that I used with a GPS90 in the
> past - it
> was about $89 if I remember right -- a generic antenna -- it worked well
> also. most handheld GPS units come with a remote antenna. The ones from
> are aircraft and usually designed to be mounted externally. A plain old
> antenna stuck in that area between the doors should be fine.
> Dave
> A227
> Mini U2
I have done a similar experiment (if you can call it that) with my
Skymap using the portable antenna that came with it. It had no problem
getting a fix in a few seconds both inside my house, and in the garage,
with the instrument panel in the plane and the antenna perched on top of
it. So my plan is to mount the antenna on top of the panel on the
assumption that a few mm of perspex will degrade the signals rather less
than a 19in thick stone wall.