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Re: Remote GPS antenna

Subject: Re: Remote GPS antenna
From: Charlie Laverty <>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 22:42:01
   i have a garmin hand held in my boat, i got a remote antenna to suit from
duncan yacht chandlers scotland st glasgow.dont know if the garmin i have
will work at europa speeds.

charlie.lian and Charlie
Baliscate Guest House
Isle of Mull PA75 6QA
Tel 44( 0)1688 302048
Fax 44())1688 302666
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Hagar" <>
Subject:  Remote GPS antenna

I am going to mount my hand held GPS for use in the cockpit. It has the
option for remotely mounting of the antenna. Upon perusal of the
Aircraft Spruce catalog it seems all the units they have are
multi-hundreds of dollars!!!. I want to put it in the ceiling between
the two doors. Does anyone have any experience with a home made or
non-aircraft remote antenna in this application. I was looking for a
sub-$100 unit for an antenna since the whole GPS is only $450.
AZ --- Steve Hagar---

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