My Garmin handheld with its built-in aerial works fine in the cockpit .
Other brands and other geographical locations may be different, but there is
me at least) little point in a remote aerial.
Duncan Mcf.
On Monday, November 04, 2002 12:00 AM, Steve Hagar [SMTP:hagargs@earthlink.net]
> I am going to mount my hand held GPS for use in the cockpit. It has the
> option for remotely mounting of the antenna. Upon perusal of the
> Aircraft Spruce catalog it seems all the units they have are
> multi-hundreds of dollars!!!. I want to put it in the ceiling between
> the two doors. Does anyone have any experience with a home made or
> non-aircraft remote antenna in this application. I was looking for a
> sub-$100 unit for an antenna since the whole GPS is only $450. SteveA143Mesa,
> AZ --- Steve Hagar--- hagargs@earthlink.net