if you build precisely and if you bond the cut out for the door mechanisme
back in place (as per the manual), your door will be sufficiently stiff and
no in-flight-bulging/opening will happen.
I have now 600hrs + and no problem with the standard door as per the build
manual (tested up to Vne; no draft whatsoever)
However it's good idea to stiffen the lower frame (as advised by Nigel
Graham) with 2-3 layers of bid or glassing a small wedge in the radius,
because this area really gets bent (especially when passengers step on the
frame when entering the plane...)
"Alexander P. de C. Kaarsberg" wrote:
> If broaching the sill is not desirable, one could fit the 1/2 ball on
> the sill and make the hole in the door....
> Another method I've been thinking about is to fit a small wedge shaped
> ramp on the inboard side of the sill edge and have a sliding plate that
> picks up fore and aft movement from the door handle or from the pushrod
> inside the door.
> Both methods involves cutting holes in the door, except the latter when
> attached to the handle itself and then you get an unsightly rod from
> handle to slider.
> The slider could be doubling as a door handle to pull the door in with a
> latching arrangement releasing on contact with the sill and allowing the
> slider to pivot down onto the ramp....I have not fitted the windows yet,
> but find it difficult to imagine how I am going to be able to pull the
> door in enough for the pins to engage in the frame.
> It may become a bit too intricate to make up and I might just make a
> handle on the door that pivots to clasp the sill.
> Alex #529.