----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred R. Klein" <fklein@orcasonline.com>
Subject: Europa-List: metric drill bits
Hi to All who have gone before me,
I make note of the list of metric drill bits on Pg. 1-3 of manual. After
determining that the 3.3mm bit is essential for the flush pop rivits, I've
found that McMaster-Carr carries a line of metric drill bits.| Lazy as I am,
I have not searched through the entire manual to determine whether the
4.2mm, 4.8mm, 10.2mm, and 12mm are similarly essential, or if they are
simply metric equivalents for the listed fractional-inch sizes also listed.
Before I order all the listed metric bits, can someone enlighten me as to
whether or not they are essential...assuming of course that one has a full
set of fractional-inch bit sizes? Metrically-challenged Fred, A194
You will get a lot of answers probably better than mine as I am
no machinist but I hear you and your confusion. My experience as a tyro
builder but having some woodwork time, is that you cannot have enough drill
bits. I found that the most useful tool for drilling is a digital
micrometer. Not only is it usefull for finding out what the diameter of a
bit is (after it's been used and rubbed out the figure), but that it will
come into use for other tasks as well. I also bought a set of numbered
drills - from number40 on down - because the parts provided were not always
drilled exactly on the specified diameter. We're talking tenthousands here,
because that's often the difference between a comfortable fit, a sliding fit
or a tight fit. The micro told me that some numbered drills were better than
4.8mm or 3/16" when a certain fit was called for. My inspector is fastidious
about 'slop' and you don't want a sloppy fit in the control run, so getting
the right sized hole makes the difference.
I'll leave the others to suggest the right sized drill bits to
get, but be sure you'll need more than one 3/16" [-3] before you're done.
....and good luck!
Europa A064
PS: If no one else antes up with the drill bit sizes come back to me and
will search out.