Hi Ron
I did this job a long time ago and asked the factory for guidance before
cutting holes in the ribs. Neville told me to put in two plies of bid in the
of 2" discs before drilling the 3/4" holes I needed for my conduit.
I would not make the holes any larger than necessary. Surely you don't really
need a 1 inch diameter tube?
Mono #536
In a message dated 10/25/03 5:05:34 AM GMT Daylight Time,
rparigor@suffolk.lib.ny.us writes:
> Would appreciate input on Rib Mutilation.
> Have some thin wall, bout 1 inch OD Irrigation tube that I want to run in
> wing to plumb wires to tip and run static/airspeed hose through and stall
> warning indicator hoses/wires..
> I can cut a 1 inch hole and just let the plastic tube lay on the ribs.
> Or can put a few dabs of silicone at the joint.
> Also have some perfect fitting grommets, but that would require cutting a
> larger hole by probably 1/8 inch.
> Would it be recommended to reinforce rib, lets say with a BID Patch prior to
> cutting hole, especial if using grommets?
John Heykoop