Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am still curious about the need to
be able to disable the waste gate servo. My thoughts are about the
delectability of a failure and what remedial actions can be taken in flight.
Assuming I don't have a Flydat, how could I tell if the waste gate has been
commanded by the TCU to an incorrect position. Secondly, lets assume that
the TCU drove the waste gate to fully open or fully closed and I was able to
determine that this was incorrect, how could I move it from that position in
flight. Disabling the servo in this situation doesn't really buy me much.
I suspect that if the TCU failed in a manner that keep driving the servo
hard against the stops that it would cause enough over current to trip the
circuit breaker.
> According to the Rotax documents the purpose of this switch is to
> disconnect the waste gate actuator in case of turbo surge or calculator
> troubles.
> Virtually every Rotax 914 owner I know of have installed it. Some had
> to use it.