Hi Folks,
I'm still trying to find a way of testing my transponder (and Mode C) without
having to pull the panel to take it into the radio shop and have them test
Where are the definitions of what constitutes a 'test'? Obviously it's more
than just calling up ATC and asking them if they 'can see me' and have them
confirm your altitude (or is it?).
Does my repairman certificate allow me to do the testing?
How about fitting one of those ATD-300 Traffic Watch/Alerts
(www.monroyaero.com) which can tell you what your transponder is transmitting?
This way you can
see if your transponder is sending out bum info (as it did for me before I
declared it U/S) before air traffic tells you, and also alert you of potential
traffic conflicts.
Any thoughts?
Martin Tuck
Wichita, Kansas