02/07/2004 10:14:56 PM,
Serialize complete at 02/07/2004 10:14:56 PM
Hi Folks,
I'm still trying to find a way of testing my transponder (and Mode C)
having to pull the panel to take it into the radio shop and have them test
Where are the definitions of what constitutes a 'test'? Obviously it's
than just calling up ATC and asking them if they 'can see me' and have
confirm your altitude (or is it?).
In the US, all a/c flying class B,C airspace or IFR requires a
certificated biannual calibration of transponder encoder.
This requires a trip to an avionics shop, or a "house call" by the
avionics technician.
The test in no way requires pulling the equipment.
A test box is attached to your pitot and static probes (or elsewhere to
the tubing) and set
to generate a set of pressures. They check for leak and for calibration.
They check to see
what your transponder is sending as altitude. They then stamp your
airframe logbook
and date it.
My recent venture to MAC Avionics at Lakeland cost me $225 but we spent
over two
hours playing with and calibrating my EFIS system.
Ira N224XS (now officially airworthy!!!)