Ira wrote:
> A test box is attached to your pitot and static probes (or elsewhere
> to the tubing) and set to generate a set of pressures. They check for
> leak and for calibration.
Maybe more than minor point, but only for IFR do they have to check for leaks.
They can't take the encoder/altimeter to 20,000' at the static port. So they
break in for that, then only for IFR do they then button up and check for leaks
at the static port.
I watched one avionics guy do that, and he groused that this damn plane's static
got the worst leak he's ever seen in his life. While he's screwing around
for it, I spotted part of a nylon T-connector on the floor of the cabin
where he broke into the line. At the money they get for this, it's hard to be
too polite, but I tried to gently suggest that this here little thingy will
probably fix it. Did I get a dirty look.
Wild also was the way he checked Mode C was to connect an oscilloscope on wheels
to a kludged xpondr bench checker, and manually compare the green Gray code
pulses to these 3x5 index card templates he made up for each altitude he tests.
At whatever hourly rate I'm paying, I couldn't resist staring in amazement.
That was Marty years ago, and he's retired and just cuts grass at the airport
time. Still never says hello, but lore has it he's worse since he flunked
an audition for the movie Grumpy Old Men.
Fred F.