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Re: Europa-List: Tailwheel bearings

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Tailwheel bearings
From: Ami McFadyean <>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 20:00:20

Yes please; the Spruce p/n would be useful to have.
Vans sells replacement bearings too. But those are the original
"wheel-barrow" type.

Did Mike Dolphin know something when he named his Europa "The Wheelbarrow".
Kinda all falling in to place and making sense!

Duncan McF.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald J. Parigoris" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Tailwheel bearings

> The supplied tailwheel on A-265 not only had poor quality bearings but it
did not run
> true by 1/4 inch and was way out of balance.
> I held it in my lathe and spun it and went after it with my 3 inch air
disk sander
> with 50 grit,and got it to run and balance pretty good.
> As far as the bearings, Aircraft Spruce sells long life sealed replacement
> with a snap ring around the bearings. I don't see the part number online
but it is in
> the catalogue. If someone needs the part number I can check at the hangar.
> Wicks may sell the bearings??
> Ron Parigoris
> A-265

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