I sell bearings as I run a bearing shop. The bearing you want is
a "499502H" by part number, I replaced mine a year ago and it makes a
big difference. They sell for about $5 each across the counter.
If my brain is not slow, it also might be called a 99502H. One has the
snap ring and one does not. They are China by mfg. but they seem to be OK
as I sell a bunch of them to lawn guys to replace the "wheel barrow
bearing". Those I sell at $2 each so you can see the difference. The
good 499502H are what is referred to as ground bearings and the " wbb"
are referred to as un ground style.
Jim Nelson
<> writes:
> <>
> The supplied tailwheel on A-265 not only had poor quality bearings
> but it did not run
> true by 1/4 inch and was way out of balance.
> I held it in my lathe and spun it and went after it with my 3 inch
> air disk sander
> with 50 grit,and got it to run and balance pretty good.
> As far as the bearings, Aircraft Spruce sells long life sealed
> replacement bearings
> with a snap ring around the bearings. I don't see the part number
> online but it is in
> the catalogue. If someone needs the part number I can check at the
> hangar.
> Wicks may sell the bearings??
> Ron Parigoris
> A-265