Having just done this the other week, a few suggestions:
1) Mix well more than 600g - I'd suggest over 1kg - and be prepared to throw
lots away after you've scraped round. The more you throw away, the less it
weights... :-) The more you pile on to begin with, the less voids you get.
2) Weights and straps should be about all you need - I did some rivets and
screws and have a number of dimples. So instead of weight inside fuse where
the big gaps are, I'll have it outside instead, in the form of filler. And
that means more work.
3) Screws will release OK - particularly if dipped in wax or petroleum jelly
as release agent before use
4) Move quickly - as quickly as you can without being hasty. That stuff goes
off quick.
5) Paint the CM with neat Araldite. Pile the Araldite+flox onto the bonding
areas you've previously marked on the canoe. Prop the canoe slightly open
while you lower the CM in. Add weights, fill gaps, then scrape and wipe with
an acetone rag. Finally check everything with the light.
6) I filled my voids using a syringe with rubber tube on the end, a 1/16"
drill bit to put a hole at each end of the void, and neat Araldite as the
substance to be injected.
If you can have a composite-knowledgeable friend helping you, it'll be worth
the beer you have to buy him tenfold.
Jeremy Davey
Europa Monowheel 537M G-EZZA
Tail done
Standard XS wings with mods underway
CM installed in fuse (with airbrakes fittings)
1200 build hours to date
Intended fit:
Rotax 914 turbo, Airmaster CS fully-feathering prop
Lots of lights, buttons, switches, gizmos, and alarms
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Subject: Europa-List: Cockpit module goes in next weekend!
Howdy Gents:
Well, I have been busy this holiday weekend in my shop prepping to bond this
module in next week. Actually took an extra day of vacation Friday to spend
in the shop.
I think by end of day today I'll be comfortable enough to set this baby in.
I have a hoist and will buy a strap come along today for the area around the
head rests.
Naturally... I have questions. John Eckell wrote the he and Steve used about
600 grams of Araldite < weight without hardener for the module.>
That close to what everyone else experienced?
They also used about 120 #8 X 1/2 sheet metal screws to pull this thing
together. That's a lot!
How do you get them to release from the Araldite after cure?
Someone mentioned a lot of dimpling from the screws after cure? Anyone have
fix for that?
I understand the bright light shining under the canoe to check for voids.
What method do you use to fill the voids if found?
Thanks in advance
Brian S
A276 Tri Gear. Texas
See my build photos at: