In re: reamers
I suggest that you use an adjustable reamer such as McMaster Carr
( part number 2987A12.
Best regards,
Rob Housman
Europa XS Tri-Gear A070
Airframe complete
Irvine, CA
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Raimo Toivio
Subject: Europa-List: Spar pip-pin
To All who have thought today Pins w/Balls!
8) The distance between my bushes are slightly different in the spars.
- I have to reposition one bush or/and enlarge it by reamer (carefully!)
Cheers, Raimo
Raimo M W Toivio
OH-XRT #417 spar traps and 978 hrs completed so far
OH-CVK, problems less than with my cycle.
OH-BLL, engines are still quiet but next monday they have their next chance.
37500 Lempaala
tel + 358 3 3753 777
fax + 358 3 3753 100
gsm + 358 40 590 1450