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Re: Europa-List: Mono Brake Bleed

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Mono Brake Bleed
From: Paul McAllister <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 07:11:41

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Butcher" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Mono Brake Bleed

> Having difficulity bleeding the brake on our monowheel.  I understand that 
> the fluid needs to enter at the bleed valve on the caliper but how does 
> one do this?  I tried just pumping the master cylinder hoping it would 
> suck up the fluid without success.  Also tried filling the master cylinder 
> and pumping fluid to the caliper without success.  I notice on this forum 
> that Bob Harrison used a "squeezy bottle" to force fluid into the caliper. 
> What's a "squeezy bottle"?
> Thanks
> Jim Butcher A185 B241BW
> finishing engine install & FWF wiring

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