Go to a hardware store, they have oil can oilers, they hold about 6 ounces of
or brake fluid, it has a flexible spout that you can put a piece of rubber
on and connect to the bleeding valve, then just pump the brake fluid up to the
master cylinder. It goes without saying to loosen the cap on the master cylinder
so that the air will have a place to escape. The oiler has a one way valve
so that the fluid will not run back into it.
This is the way I do my monowheel
Jim Brown
600 + hrs
Jim Butcher wrote:
> Having difficulity bleeding the brake on our monowheel. I understand that the
fluid needs to enter at the bleed valve on the caliper but how does one do this?
I tried just pumping the master cylinder hoping it would suck up the fluid
without success. Also tried filling the master cylinder and pumping fluid
to the caliper without success. I notice on this forum that Bob Harrison used
a "squeezy bottle" to force fluid into the caliper. What's a "squeezy bottle"?
> Thanks
> Jim Butcher A185 B241BW
> finishing engine install & FWF wiring