FWIW I had about 60-70 hours into filling and sanding
the tailplanes- they still are not perfect. I used a
primer after I was satisfied and that filled the
pinholes. don't ask me the brand of primer....it was
one they use at Phoenix Composites.
Paul Boulet, N914PB
"Plane in test flight stage"
--- Paul Stewart <europa@pstewart.f2s.com> wrote:
> <europa@pstewart.f2s.com>
> A plea for help from anyone who has used 'Superfil'.
> I have small areas
> which are riddled with pin holes and have tried a
> variety of ploys to
> get rid of them:
> 1. Filling them with more superfil - they are still
> there
> 2. Using a brushing pin hole filler (Aerodur) - they
> are still there
> 3. Taking all the affected filler back to the glass
> and starting again -
> they are still there
> What is particularly irritating is that most of the
> surface is fantastic
> - only small localised areas are affected. Having
> now spent about 4
> months filling and sanding the tail planes alone,
> the local asylum is
> looking more inviting than the work shop. Any
> suggestions?
> Regards
> Paul
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