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RE: Europa-List: rudder pedal movement

Subject: RE: Europa-List: rudder pedal movement
From: Dean Seitz <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 13:52:38

Yes, I had to cut in a reversed V in the stainless to get the movement.

Dean Seitz
N284A   XS High Top Tri Gear 914 Airmaster CS.
20 hrs so far

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mike Gamble
Subject: Europa-List: rudder pedal movement

With the rudder pedals lined up in the neutral position I see that the CS21
arms are about vertical.
The stb arm can move aft a little way before striking the side piece of the
stainless steel firewall but the port arm will very soon contact the upper
s/steel panel. Do people find that there is sufficient movement availabe
here as right rudder is applied or is bending/cutting of the s/steel panel
Mike Gamble
XS 440 mono

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