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Re: Europa-List: rudder pedal movement

Subject: Re: Europa-List: rudder pedal movement
From: Kingsley Hurst <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 22:25:50


Since no one else seems to have attempted to answer your questions (at time 
of this writing anyway) I will throw in my 2 pennies (cents) worth.

> Regarding rudder pedal travel - am I right in thinking that the total fore 
> and aft pedal movement is only about 3 inches to get 30 deg. deflection 
> from the neutral position?

If you have the standard XS rudder cable attachment on the rudder, I think 3 
inches would be about right for the top of the arm onto which the cable 
attaches.  I have Graham Singleton's mod and my movement is a little less 
than 3 ins.  The pedals being longer than the arm, would move 
proportionately further.

> Also how far back from the front of the footwell are the pedals when in 
> this so called neutral position?

Can't answer this as I have a Classic but in the Classic manual, the minimum 
distance from the front of the footwell with the rudder fully deflected is 
40 mm if I remember correctly.  (my manual is down in the workshop - locked 
up right now)  I assume the XS manual should advise likewise.

> Because of the geometry the pedal tops will only be level with each other 
> at one point I think.

The pedals should be level with each other only when the rudder is straight 
but the distance they are from the front of the footwell in this state will 
be determined by the length of the rudder cables.  The length of the rudder 
cables also dictates how far the tops of the arms approach or encroach on 
the SS firewall, the other point you were talking about.  Doing each 
separately, to determine the cable length, I made up a spacer to hold the 
pedal the required distance from the front of the footwell and while holding 
the rudder fully deflected by tensioning the cable, wrapped the cable around 
the thimble.  While held in this position, I made an alignment mark on the 
cable and the thimble with a felt pen.  The cable was then pulled out into 
an open area and swaged.  This assumes of course that the rear ends of the 
cables have already been properly affixed to the rudder horn.  If desired, 
finer adjustments can be made later if you have incorporated some sort of 
cable length adjusters (like turnbuckles) in the rudder circuit.

Hope this helps more than it confuses !!

Kingsley in Oz 

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