thanks for your fascinating test results. I too am very puzzled by the
apparent lack of effectiveness of Pressure. Air will only move from hi P
to Low P, (apart from Coriolis effects of course, witness circulation
round cyclones)
I wonder if your turbulator is helping keep the flow attached over the
whole of the outside of the cowl? That might reduce the pressure around
the outlet at the back and that is what is important as we all know but
can't quite understand (how to make it better I mean)
In flight the flow over the cowl will be quite assymetric
Thoughts Gilles?
Graham wrote:
> In a message dated 10/1/2007 2:58:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> /Concerning the Jabiru, there is little room between the prop and the
> front cylinders to provide a correct diffuser, so the inlet must be of
> larger size, and the efficiency will be lower.
> But the engine can be adequately cooled all the same, at the price of a
> little more drag, of course./
> Hi Gilles and all,
> I've had a chance to test my turbulators installed at the mouth of my
> left cooling intake and they worked exceedingly well. I've seen, on
> average, a 25F drop in CHT's on the left side now that I have turbulated
> the airflow entering the left side intake.
> The moral of this story is: for better /FLOW/, excite the area just
> outside the hole. Almost pornographic, isn't it? (notice how I didn't
> say for better /PRESSURE/?)
> Now, I'm back to analysis of boundary flow on the wings.......
> Regards,
> John Lawton
> Whitwell, TN (TN89)
> N245E - Flying