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Europa-List: Jab cooling

Subject: Europa-List: Jab cooling
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 12:16:21

In a message dated 10/3/2007 3:00:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I  recall that in 1995 I asked the late Richard Cabrinha why he had  changed
---From a chin intake to a pair of Lo-Presti style circular intakes on  his Free
Spirit Mark II, for cooling a Continental IO 360, and he replied  "because
they work!"  He told me that if the diameter were too large  then there would
be a reverse flow, spilling air out round the  circumference of each intake.
He refined the size by putting some oil  around each rim and doing a quick
circuit: inspection on landing showed  whether the oil film had spread
inwards or migrated outwards, and he would  then the repeat the test with
different diameters  accordingly.

Hi Mike, Graham, and all,

That is essentially what I've done with my string testing, although I  wasn't 
aware that size had much to do with it (Typical male, huh?) I've not  played 
with changing the size of the intake at all. It does seem like 25  square 
inches of intake should be more than adequate for cooling this little  engine,

What I've seen in my string tests is an apparent low pressure area forming  
on the outboard side of the left intake as viewed from the cockpit. I've also 

noticed an apparent high pressure area directly in front of the inlet when my 

turbulators are not installed and this high pressure "bubble" rejects the 
string  as it approaches the intake from upwind.  At one point it turns the 
string  180 degrees and it blows towards the fan. Installing turbulators at the
of  the intake helped considerably. I went from about 50% of the intake  
"accepting" the string, to what I'd estimate as about 80% now accepting the  
string in the intake. Still not perfect, but I'm still playing with it, too.  

I have seen in terms of engine cooling has been dramatic, though.

I need to dig up the Lo-Presti info and take a look at it. That's about the  
fifth time somebody has mentioned that name to me.

An A&P friend of mine stopped by my shop yesterday and I showed him  what I 
was doing. He's also a glider pilot and amateur aerodynamicist. We  also 
discussed exit cooling flow. The trigear has a rather large triangle shaped  
reinforcing piece on the nosegear leg just below and outside the line  of the 

This triangle is flat to the relative wind, probably worse at climb  angles, 
and I would reckon that it causes some disturbance right where the  cooling air

---From the cowl is trying to exit. Whether or not that is  interfering with my 
cooling flow remains to be determined, but it sure looks  like it could use a 
fairing to split the flow, hopefully accelerating it and  causing a low 
pressure area in that region. It stands to reason that cleaning up  this area 
fairing might help create a bit of suction and aid cooling  flow, too.

Graham said: I wonder if your turbulator is helping keep the flow  attached 
over the 
whole of the outside of the cowl?

I'm thinking you are correct in your assessment there, Graham. I think  
"re-exciting" the flow is indeed causing it to stay attached. FWIW, I've  done
tuft testing on my wings and I seem to have laminar flow at least as  far 
back as the hinge line of the aileron. The wing tip is much cleaner than I  
anticipated, too. There are very few modern sailplanes that get this level of 

laminar flow that far back on the wing. Shaw and Dykins are obviously  genius'.

I don't have enough knowledge on the subject to really know one way or the  
other how internal duct pressure is related to flow, but my tests seem to  
indicate that there is either no relationship, or the relationship is inverse.
you think about it, restricting the flow would cause higher pressure,  just 
as it does when you put your finger on the end of a running garden hose.  The 
pressure increases, but the flow decreases. That seems to be what is  happening



John  Lawton
Whitwell, TN (TN89)
N245E -  Flying

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