It's using aircraft ground which a believe is the problem with the
BMA EFIS - hence the need to use a thermistor with two wires. I
believe the E1 uses it's own internal ground as reference so CHT and
Oli temp need grounds going back to a ground pin on the EFIS.
At the risk of upsetting Ira, and accepting I have very little
expertise in the area, I wouldn't buy the Blue Mountain unit again.
Not for a Rotax anyway and not flying in Europe. Still you live and
On 10 Apr 2008, at 13:04, josok wrote:
> Paul,
> The Rotax cht probes are grounded, one side, the housing is ground,
> and the other side is the connector. They are of the PTCor NTC
> type, that is a resistor, which changes it's resistance with
> temperature. Other types of probes are thermocouples, usually
> designated as "J" or "K" type probes, which produce a tiny voltage
> depending on the temperature of the junction. Those can be grounded
> or not. Whether you need resistive probes or "J" or "K" types
> probes is dependent on the EIS and it's inputs. My Dynon D180
> accepts both, but only on certain positions.
> Regards,
> Jos Okhuijsen
> Visit -